

Oct 17, 2023

Take the Polar Bear Plunge for a good cause

Reporter Nicole Bowman-Layton splashes into the water at a recent polar plunge supporting the Special Olympics in North Carolina, as others, including a dog who took the plunge, watch. One of the area's best plunges, the Polar Bear Plunge, will be held Saturday at Lake Snowden. Proceeds benefit Beacon School.

Come and jump into Lake Snowden on Feb. 4.

I promise you the water will be fine.

Yes, it will be cold, probably real cold, but you’ll be participating in the Fifth Annual Polar Bear Plunge.

Sponsored by VFW Post 9893 in Albany and radio stations WSEO and WAIS, proceeds benefit the Beacon School, part of the Athens County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

Earlier this year, I had a chance to tour the school. Located beside Morrison-Gordon Elementary School on West Union School, Beacon School is a special place. They do everything they can to help students become as independent as possible.

They have a gym and swimming pool, great for therapy and fun. There's a suite where older students can learn how to complete daily tasks, such as washing clothes or taking care of a house. There's a meditation room to help nervous students de-stress.

Some of the most caring people I’ve met in Athens County work there as teachers and administrators.

This year, organizers will sell polar bear hats for $10 each. They are white with a polar bear's head as the top, with fabric on the sides to cover your ears. They are so cute!

Also, Dan Harlett plans to bring his Specialty Hot Dog Truck down to the event. He’ll be offering free coffee and hot cocoa — to keep you warm before and after the plunge — and other items for purchase.

When you participate, you’ll have a specific time to get in and out of the water. There are professionals with cold water gear on to help people, so you know the organizers are taking plungers’ safety seriously. It is also the good kind of scary, like doing something you’ve always wanted to do but were too afraid to actually do.

I’ve participated in polar plunges and other cold water activities throughout my lifetime. Each of them have been unique and scary fun. They have left me feeling great, that I did something I used to think of as something I’d never do.

The biggest issue in doing a polar plunge is the nerves before getting into the water. You think, "This is going to be cold. This is going to be awful." Sometimes you can psych yourself into a bad experience.

Once you clear your head of negativity and just head into the water, it's not that bad. You can't slowly ease your way into a polar plunge. You have to go all in, preferably with a friend.

My first cold water experience was in October a few years ago. It included a six-mile ruck (hike with a 35-pound backpack) through Pittsburgh and playing leapfrog in a water feature under a pedestrian bridge near Fort Duquesne. While I got hooked into doing more cold-water activities, I wasn't as prepared as I should have been.

Some things that helped me get through subsequent activities are included on the Polar Plunge website, . Those tips include:

Wear loose-fitting clothes that are easy to remove. Have some dry, loose-fitting clothes on hand to change into after the plunge. Make sure the clothing isn't too heavy, as you’ll be exiting the water quickly.

Bring a friend. Go all out and become superheroes, Anime or cartoon characters, etc. Make the experience fun for yourself and those around you.

Bring a robe, blanket, towel or jacket to wear while you wait. Have a few extra towels on hand to dry off and bundle up in after the plunge.

Bring shoes to wear before and after the plunge. The ground is cold.

Have fun. This is probably the most important thing. There will most likely be photographers who will help capture your glorious feat.

How cool is it that we have a chance to help a deserving organization by just going into cold Lake Snowden for a few seconds?

Online polar plunge registration is available at and will close at 4 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 3. In-person registrations will be accepted until 10 a.m. on the day of the event.

Come out and support a great cause.

Nicole Bowman-Layton is a Staff Writer for The Athens Messenger.

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