

Nov 06, 2023

Local farms await your visit this summer

Now that outdoor growing season is officially upon us, hopefully, you’ve been enjoying some time preparing and planting a garden space. Whether you are renting a plot from Mosaic Community Land Trust, have some container gardens on your porch, or have enough space for a backyard garden, spring serves as a wonderful time to get your hands dirty by reconnecting with the earth. You are already on your way to nurturing seeds into thriving plants in hopes of a successful harvest this summer.

While we practice patience waiting for the fruits of our labor to pay off and focus on weeding our gardens in the meantime, it's also a good opportunity to get acquainted with the food others grow in and around the community. The Pottstown FARM: Farm and Regional Artisan Market offers a wonderful opportunity to meet farmers who come to the market to share their bounty, but opportunities to venture out to do farm visits can offer a whole different perspective to the growing process.

Local strawberries began ripening early this week and there is nothing quite like the taste of a sun-kissed strawberry fresh off the vine. U-pick farms in the area offer opportunities for the whole family to get out and see the farms and faces behind some of the healthy and nutritious foods we love to eat each season. Picking berries is a fun activity for all ages in an outdoor setting where we can take in the beauty of the surroundings in addition to the fresh air. Farm visits can offer a mini escape within easy reach of Pottstown.

Weaver's Orchard in Morgantown, Berks County, is kicking off their Pick-Your-Own Season with strawberries starting tomorrow until supplies last. They recommend paying a visit as early as possible within the short strawberry-picking window that will close in early June. Rows of straw located between the rows help keep you and your kids mud-free while you pick.

Weaver's offers some strawberry picking tips for when you visit including avoiding pale berries and berries with green tips because strawberries will not ripen after you pick them; pick all-sized berries — smaller berries are typically sweeter than the large berries and sweetness also varies based on the variety; be sure the cap (green top) remains on the strawberry by pinching the stem of the berry between your thumb and forefinger. Berries are sold by the quart or 5-quart buckets.

While freshly picked berries taste incredible on their own, you might want to save some to take home to slice for a topping on vanilla ice cream or make jam, along with many other ways to enjoy fresh strawberries.

If your kids enjoy tractor rides, an opportunity awaits at Lundale Farm located on Pottstown Pike in Chester County. This past Sunday, Lundale began the first of its monthly farm tours where visitors take a tractor ride in the fields to learn about the history of the property, along with how their current farmer partners use innovative and sustainable ways to nurture the land. You’ll also likely spot some farm animals on the route.

Rides take one to two hours in an open-air wagon pulled by one of Lundale's farmer partners. Tours accommodate up to 20 people, so it is necessary to reserve a spot in advance. Upcoming rides take place on June 4, July 2, July 16, July 30, August 13, August 27, Sept 10, Oct 8, and Oct 22.

The rides offer a chance to take in the gorgeous views of the 420-acre farm. Comfortable clothing that is suitable for the weather is recommended. Visitors are welcome to bring a picnic blanket and snacks to enjoy at the property.

Whether Lundale or Weaver's, local farms are ready to welcome you and your family with open arms this summer.

It's best to check back with Weaver's Orchard frequently since specific starting pick dates vary, but here is a general estimation of when they will be ripe for picking on a visit to the farm.

Strawberries – May 27 through early JuneRed Raspberries – early June through July; SeptemberBlack Raspberries – late June through mid-JulyBlackberries – mid-June through AugustBlueberries – late June through JulySweet Cherries – late June/early JulyTart Cherries – early JulyPlums – July/AugustApricots – mid-JulyPeaches July 10 through AugustApples August through OctoberKiwi berries – mid-September through early OctoberPumpkins – late September through October*Prices vary

40 Fruit Lane, Morgantown, Berks County


Nestled in the scenic hills of Berks County, Weaver's Orchard is an expansive fruit farm with a year-round farm market stocked with fresh and local produce, a cafe, deli, bakery and more. You can enjoy pick-your-own fruit from June to October as well as many family-friendly events centered around their crops.


Reserve a spot for an upcoming monthly tour taking place on the following dates: June 4, July 2, July 16, July 30, August 13, August 27, Sept 10, Oct 8, and Oct 22 (tours are subject to cancellation in the event of rain). $5 suggested donation.

For More Information and to Reserve a Spot:

2501 Pottstown Pike, Chester County


Lundale Farm is a community of regenerative farmers enhancing the ecology, health, and diversity of the land, and serves as a model for local food production and forest stewardship on preserved land. It is an evolution of the founding families’ land preservation legacy that seeks not only to preserve land, but to utilize it in a responsible manner to mutually benefit the region's environment, economy, agricultural heritage, health, and nutrition of its people.


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