

Sep 10, 2023

World’s Oldest Known Manta Ray Spotted Again On Great Barrier Reef

Taurus isn't just a zodiac sign – it's also the moniker of a rare manta ray who is celebrating more than forty years on the Great Barrier Reef! One of Australia's most remarkable natural gifts, the Great Barrier Reef is a site of remarkable variety and beauty on the north-east coast of Australia. Spanning over 1,430 miles (2,300 kilometers) down Australia's eastern coastline, it is rich in biodiversity… including manta rays! Highly intelligent and highly threatened, these sea creatures are named for their unique appearance (‘manta’ means blanket or cloak in Spanish). Found in tropical, subtropical, and temperate oceans worldwide, manta rays are filter feeders that feast on the large amounts of zooplankton and coral spawn found along the Great Barrier Reef.

Taurus isn't just a zodiac sign – it's also the moniker of a rare manta ray who is celebrating more ... [+] than forty years on the Great Barrier Reef!

Taurus was first photographed in 1982 by Peter Allen, captured gliding through the turquoise waters of the southern Great Barrier Reef at the Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort. "He's seen quite regularly at Lady Elliot Island. He's been sighted over 50 times there and he's never been seen anywhere else," Asia Armstrong, a research fellow with the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC), told ABC News. USC's Project Manta database has identified more than 1,500 individual manta rays off the east coast of Australia. "This year marks the 40th year since his first sighting and we had a sighting submitted of him about a month ago." How can researchers be so sure? "Manta rays have this unique spot pattern on their belly. So each individual is born with this unique pattern, like a fingerprint, and that remains unchanged through time," Armstrong explains, pointing out that Taurus is also melanistic, which means he is all black with white spots on his belly unlike most mantas that have a white belly with black spots. Kind of rare! It is believed that melanistic rays make up about 10 percent of Australia's east coast manta ray population.

Although manta rays have been reported to live at least 40 years, not much is known about their growth and development. Taurus was already a mature male when first photographed in the 1980's, so him still being spotted in 2022 makes him possibly the oldest known manta ray in the world, exceeding 50 years of age. "We do have a fairly decent network of manta ray researchers around the world that compile these sighting databases," Armstrong said. "No-one has come forward with another manta ray that's been sighted over that many years."

It is believed that melanistic rays make up about 10 percent of Australia's east coast manta ray ... [+] population.

Taurus is one of the lucky ones; the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) lists the giant manta ray as "Endangered," making it the first manta ray to be listed as an endangered species. "The giant manta ray is a classic example of a species that is quickly succumbing to human-induced pressures," Dr. Andrea Marshall, a co-founder of the Marine Megafauna Foundation (MMF) told Oceanographic Magazine. "When we first assessed manta rays in 2003 there simply was not enough information on the species to determine their conservation status and they were listed as ‘Data Deficient’, but on each of the subsequent assessments, their conservation status increased steadily from Near-Threatened, to Vulnerable and now to Endangered. Their current status is a direct result of unsustainable pressure from fishing, which now threatens to destabilise their populations across the globe."

Although they have the biggest brain of any fish, it's no match for the numerous threats they face. All mantas are targeted for the gill plates which they use to filter plankton out of the water. Back in 2015, Defenders of the Wild said that "one pound of manta ray gill plates being worth more than $300, and a mature giant manta ray can yield up to 15 pounds of dried gill plates." The cost most likely has gone up since then, especially as global fish stocks become depleted, forcing fishers to not only target them not only for their gill plates, but other body parts as well.

The very first photograph of Taurus was taken in 1982

But perhaps there is hope.

"Interactions with manta rays are highly sought after by dive and snorkel tourists globally and contribute millions of dollars to tourism economies each year, particularly in developing nations," said Dr. Stephanie Venables, a Senior Scientist and manta ray expert at MMF. "At this pivotal time, recognising their economic value may help to encourage the protection of this enigmatic and now endangered species." The Australian state of Queensland (which the Great Barrier Reef is located off of) boasts that manta rays come to the waters around North Stradbroke Island during warm summer months: "Your best chance to see them is to gear up and scuba at Manta Bommie Dive Site - known as one of the top ten dive sites in Australia." Numerous scuba operators allow for the opportunity to dive, free dive, or snorkel with the majestic beasts. And boy is it popular, practically selling out every year! It's perhaps pushing for a different kind of interaction between humans and manta rays: one where both leave alive.